Open EUREKA Innovation Week 2017 in Barcelona

Eureka Workshop Session
From May 15 to 19 I-ON participated in Open EUREKA Innovation Week 2017. EUREKA is a leading open platform for international cooperation in innovation from over 40 countries, 400+ stakeholders. This year, a week-long event was organized under the EUREKA Spanish Chair in cooperation with Spain CDTI (The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology), Korea MOTIE (The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) and KIAT (Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology) under the theme of “Faster Innovation, Bigger Market”.

I-ON had already experienced multilateral joint R&D projects under EUREKA programs and has been trying to find more opportunity to collaborate with European ICT startups, research institute where it can play a significant role since then.

Each session - B2B meetings, networking, workshops and discussion under the topic of smart technologies, such as Industry 4.0, Clean Tech and Digital Society - was important momentum for I-ON to understand the recent market move, needs and to share interest of each participant.

Other than these networking sessions, I-ON was able to learn and share information on how the leading energy research of Spain is developing technologies in an energy sector during a visit to IREC (The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research). Ever since a Smart Grid business has become one of the largest revenue stream of I-ON, it was very informative and useful session.

Idea Pitch Session in Korea Eureka Day

On day 2, there was an Idea Pitch session during Korea Eureka Day organized by KIAT and each participant leveraged the session to introduce its project, business idea. I-ON gave a pitch on its product LAMS. LAMS is an OpenADR2.0 certified DRMS (Demand Response Management System) that provides load aggregators with end-to-end features required for DR business operation.  
