Korea-Malaysia, Korea-Thailand ICT Partnership Program

There was an international ICT partnership event that I-ON participated on 20th – 26th April - “2017 Korea-Malaysia & Korea-Thailand ICT Partnership Program”. 

Organized by KAIT (Korea Association for ICT Promotion), NIPA (National IT Industry Promotion Agency, Korea), PIKOM and hosted by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea, the event had a B2B matchmaking meeting session, MoU signing ceremony, networking luncheon and local company tour.

On 20th April, I-ON headed for the first session of the program and had fruitful meetings with Malaysian telcos and SI companies. The meetings gave us insights into how the local companies are preparing the era of industry 4.0 and how much they are interested in accepting cutting edge technologies from outside the country. 

[Korea-Malaysia ICT Partnership Program B2B meeting, Kuala Lumpur]
Korean delegation visited YTL, a telecommunications arm within the wider YTL Corporation Berhad Group of Malaysia on 2nd day. The first impression to YTL is that this company is too huge and there’s even a forest around the company buildings. 

[YTL in the midst of a forest]

When we took a tour inside of the buildings, we found quite many green colored, environmental-friendly stuff around. It seemed like the company’s passion for Smart Grid, IoT was reflected all over the buildings.

The next tour the delegation headed to is Cyberjaya, a global tech hub in Malaysia. Cyberjaya is a space for startups to create and innovate, for students to pursue dreams of changing lives with technology, for tech giants to make new discoveries, for SMBs to conquer the world one market at a time.

[Presentation by Nazri Tumin at Cyberview]

The Korean delegation flew to Bangkok for Thailand – Korea ICT Partnership Program held in Siam Bangkok. There were more Korean companies joined from local offices. The daylong meetings seemed not enough as local major telcos, SI companies and Korean ICT companies were so enthusiastic to discuss business each other and seek cooperation opportunities that can be mutually beneficial to both parties.  

[Korea-Thailand ICT Partnership Program B2B meeting, Bangkok]
