Summary of Feb 22 Gartner Local Briefing

October 2016, Gartner announced Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2017 based on the three themes - intelligent, digital and mesh.

1.     Applied AI & Advanced Machine Learning
2.     Intelligent Apps
3.     Intelligent Things

4.     Virtual & Augmented Reality
5.     Digital Twins
6.     Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers

7.     Conversational Systems
8.     Mesh App and Service Architecture
9.     Digital Technology Platforms
10.  Adaptive Security Architecture

[Local Briefing Agenda]

Further to the above announcement, Gartner Local Briefing was held in Seoul, Korea on 22nd February. Thankfully James and I were invited and had great time at the event. The briefing was very informative and breakfast there was so nice. As far as I remember, last year’s local briefing was also held here:)

[Introduction to today's speakers]

The briefing consists of two sessions: session 1 - Top 10 Predicts and Strategic Technologies for 2017 by Werner Goertz, Research Director; session 2 - The 2017 CIO Agenda: Seizing The Digital Ecosystem Opportunity by Andy Rowsell-Jones, Research VP. I want to share some information I got from the first session.

[1st session speaker - Werner Goertz]

In conjunction with the above top 10 trends, Werner Goertz added as below.

1. By 2020, 30% of web browsing sessions will be done without a screen

AR games already prevailed and many people found Pokémon GO hip. Gartner predicts that one in five leading global retail brands deploy AR by the end of 2017, which means we need to deploy AR using various devices for shopping urgently

2. By 2020, 100 million shoppers will shop in Augmented Reality (AR)

We’re living in a world of “Voice-first” interactions. Conversational UX and bot interactions will lead to machine learning. More and more people will have conversations with bots than their spouse. As a married woman, I’ve recently started feeling like we both love using Siri and talking about this stuff quite much. My company I-ON Communications has also started to develop an AI (Artificial Intelligence) based chatting service for customer service providers. 

3. 20% of brands will abandon their mobile apps by 2019

I found this one of interesting agendas. 5-6 years ago, quite many of people around me were bringing up mobile web, mobile apps but now Gartner says the number of branded apps will show growth declines by the end of this year. Mobile apps will expire soon and we need to build new progressive web apps and instant apps.

4. By 2020, algorithms will positively alter the behavior of billions of global workers

With the advanced technology of AI, most people might be concerned on how it will change their work. It is changing our work and life but according to Gartner, it is in the positive way as algorithms will transform mundane concepts into creative ones.

5. By 2022, a blockchain-based business will be worth $10 billion

Blockchain will help smart contracts by providing transparent access to the information in the chain but Gartner says there are still significant technology challenges exist.

6. By 2021, 20% of all activities in which an individual engages will involve at least one of the top seven digital giants

Top severn digital giants are Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent and Gartner predicts by 2018, at least two digital giant brands per kitchen will be involved. Businesses in all sizes are recommended that they respond to this by joining or competing with these giants’ platforms and ecosystems.

7. Through 2019, every $1 that enterprise invest in innovation will require and additional $7 in core execution

Werner Goertz calls today’s rapid digital change “Digital Storm” and he keep stressing that the secondary effects of the digital storm is more disruptive than the initial digital change. We should be prepared for the second investment when we plan for the first one.

8. By 2018, through 2020, IoT will increase data center storage demand by less than 3%

This is the most interesting agenda to me. It’s been quite long time since ICT experts raised a topic “IoT” and people could learn from it that storage for IoT-generated data should be well equipped. But Gartner says the IoT-generated data is not collected. It is connected, detected and analyzed. The data will not be stored or retained but ALGORITHMS will determine what to keep, discard. So IoT data storage demand will not be increased as IoT technologies will.

9. By 2022, the IoT will save consumers and businesses $1 trillion a year 

Gartner foresees predictive maintenance will save 10 to 20% over preventive maintenance. It is recommended we identify costs and target a 10% reduction with IoT.  

10. By 2020, 40% of employees can cut their healthcare costs by wearing a fitness tracker  

In today’s digital era, people especially in ICT industry are nowhere near physically active enough. Companies are trying to monitor employees’ health by making them wear fitness tracking devices. With the metrics from monitoring, companies can operate fitness programs and coaching, and in the long run, it will lead to lowering employee healthcare cost.

[Werner Goertz, Gartner Research Director]

Werner Goertz finished his presentation by giving us a mantra for the 21st century, “Make it
Digital, Make it Programmable and Make it Smart.”

