Automate every components for energy optimization

According to Forrester Research, Smart Grid is the counterpart of the "cloud" in the utility world. While its initial focus is on the electrical or power grid, now it applies to adjacent industries, such as natural gas, oil, and water. A better way to think of a Smart Grid is as an intelligent supply chain ecosystem that spans the utility and the consumer.

[Smart Grid Key Initiative Overview (source: Gartner)]

Jumping on the bandwagon, I-ON has started to fuel its new business in the utility world. Having demonstrated its technological excellence based on OpenADR2.0 a/b in 2014, it partnered with KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation), KPX (Korea Power Exchange), POSCO ICT, GS Caltex and many more for several local projects and in 2015, it successfully completed PoC under the project led by Thailand government. It's participation in those projects is to mainly provide a DR management solution for DR business operators including load aggregators.

[I-ON's participation in K-MEG (Korea Micro Energy Grid) project]

As a unstructured data management solution and service provider, I-ON is now providing a service type of LAMS (Load Aggregator's Management System) to deliver the growing demand for power, which has become our new revenue stream.

[I-ON LAMS (Load Aggregator's Management System]

[LAMS Dashboard]

Korea's 1st OpenADR2.0 based demand response management system is and integrated and unified system designed for DR business operators by facilitating from RRMSE evaluation for resource registration, resource management by the program participant, gateway device authentication, meter data management, reliable & economic DR scheduling & simulation to billing.
Featuring robust CBL (Customer Base-Lime) calculation, history trace, personalized dashboard for each resource, auto billing and mobile support, LAMS delivers the maximum efficiency with the minumum of manpower for the DR business.

Learn more about LAMS HERE.
