I-ON Digital Backbone project, labelled by ITEA3

SEOUL, South Korea – 14 March, 2016 – I-ON Communications Co., Ltd.(www.i-on.net/eng ), a leading solution provider of unstructured data management with 1,000+ customers globally, today announced the project ‘15005 Digital Backbone’ was labeled by ITEA3, a Eureka Cluster program(https://itea3.org/). I-ON has teamed up with Philips and some other partners from Canada, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Turkey for this project. After Eureka Individual in which it participated in 2014, this is the second time that I-ON is officially involved in Eureka program.

The Digital Backbone project will develop a complete solution to design tailor made products. The heart of the digital backbone is the platform which should facilitate connections between modules, which deal with a particular functionality like for example optical design, user interfaces, and parameterized models. These modules can be delivered or owned by companies and institutes.
The goal of this project is to increase the customer impact on personalized products, to automate and digitalize the entire value chain from market need to the product delivery and to reduce the overhead costs related to information processing. For more information, please visit https://itea3.org/project/digital-backbone.html

ITEA is the Eureka Cluster program supporting innovative, industry-driven, pre-competitive R&D projects in the area of Software-intensive Systems & Services (SiSS). SiSS are a key driver of innovation in Europe’s most competitive industries, such as automotive, communications, healthcare and aerospace.
